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Being a good kitchen scientist means being aware of shortcuts to make more reproducible and delicious foods. To make things easier, we have developed resources that outline unit conversions and some basic chef’s tips, as well as the basic ideas that you need to be aware of as you start experimenting in the kitchen.

Click here for our student guide. 

Read more below to learn about how cooking can teach you about science, and how science can teach you about cooking!

Science and cooking may seem very different; you are probably used to doing one in the kitchen and the other in a laboratory; one involves hypotheses and equipment or chemicals, and the other involves edible food. However, we believe that cooking and science belong together and can both be done in delicious and fun ways. Next time you cook, remember that the kitchen is a laboratory, and food is your working material.

Cooking was perhaps the first form of science that humans explored, and is the science that billions of people around the world use every day. Common food ingredients and cooking methods hide many interesting processes related to biology, chemistry and physics; the making of a salad dressing can illustrate how molecules interact; the baking of bread can highlight how microorganisms live.

But cooking not only invites you to see science in everyday settings, it also challenges you to conduct experiments, just like a professional scientist would do! This experimental process requires you to make predictions, collect observations, and draw conclusions on the road to discovery. The best part? You can taste your experiments. And they are delicious.

Just as cooking can teach us something about science, science can also teach us something about cooking. A fundamental understanding of the science in the kitchen can help your creativity, allowing you translate your knowledge into delectable dishes and intriguing sensations. Therefore, cooking and science work together to make cooking enjoyable and full of learning and creativity.

STEAM Chefs gives you lessons for exploring both science and cooking at the same time, providing all the instructions, tips, and recipes that you need to cook your way into a better understanding of science and to experiment your way into a better understanding of cooking. So grab your knives, spatulas, and mixing bowls, and delve into a world full of exciting flavors and textures, all while learning just how delicious and fun science can be.